Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nationlism South Asia and Africa

How did Mohandes Gandhi's and Nelson Mandela's forms of civil disobedience differ in Africa and South Asia during the 20th century?


  1. I would make sure your time period includes the 20th century. Also, make sure you talk about Gandhi not using violence.

  2. You are on the right track but need to make your question more specific. For example, perhaps you could focus on their use of civil disobedience. Also, in your question use the full name (Mohandas Gandhi). Finally, if you're looking at Gandhi & Mandela you'll be examining the 20th century.

  3. I would change the time period if I was you. South Africa's and India's problems with nationalism were not in full swing until the 20th century. It might be a good idea to change that.


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