Friday, December 14, 2012

Epistemology in Southeast Asia and Europe

How has epistemology affected the ideology of religion in Southeast Asia and Europe between 300 and 100 BC?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nationlism South Asia and Africa

How did Mohandes Gandhi's and Nelson Mandela's forms of civil disobedience differ in Africa and South Asia during the 20th century?

Imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa and India

How did imperialism affect the lives of those living in Sub-Saharan Africa and India during the 20th century?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Religion in Southwest and East Asia

How were Islam and Confusionism a lifestyle rather than just a faith in 7th century Southwest Asia and in 18th century East Asia?

*Does this make sense?

Imperialism in Sub-saharan Africa and Latin America

How did the influence of imperialism affect the development of countries in sub-saharan Africa and Latin America from 1850-1950?

Religion in Europe and Southwest Asia

How does antisemitism in 20th century France and Germany compare to that of 20th century Israel, Egypt, and Syria?

***Is this a good question that I can answer well with our notes?

Religion in South Asia and Southeast Asia

How did Hinduism in Southeast Asia contradict the religious views of Islam in South Asia in the 19 century?