Friday, November 30, 2012

North Korea Reflection

Reflect on the video.  As you prepare your response, consider the following questions:  What have you learned about North Korea?  How does this help you to better understand totalitarianism and dictatorship?  Why is this a concern to the global community?


  1. That a lot of little girls are raised with parents and some with grandparents and that they are focused on one thing that they are best suited for. They are also very respectful to their elders, and teachers. They also are very loal to the leader and I think based on what we have seen would try their hardest for the leader. I think that with everything going on they seem very happy abou their life and do not mind the dictator ship that they have in their country. I understand it better now because I saw what it was really like with my own eyes. It is because they are focused on themselves and they think that it is the US fault for everything and want to destroy us. We have been the ones doing everything to them as they put it. It is a problem because no one knows what they will do next.

  2. I learned that North Korea centralizes everything around the great leader and the general. This is shown in every home, where a picture of both of the men are hanging on the wall. This helps me understand the dictatorship, because it shows how the general makes everything in the country about him, and how he is the only leader of the people of North Korea. I believe this a concern to the global community because N. Korea focuses on making it seem like everything that other countries do is wrong, especially what the US does. This could cause many different conflicts all over the world.

  3. It is really amazing that they let BBC film this video in North Korea. It gives us a greater understanding of how the people live. In this dictatorship, all focus is on the leaders. They hand pictures of the leaders everywhere. Communism and propaganda are a big issues. Their news is filtered and their entertainment promotes the general. Everything they do is in his name, and school teaches them only things that will help support the government. People are not able to make their own choices, because choices are forced from the government. Everything is done in groups and to please the general. As a global community, we need to understand not only the effects of propaganda, but also the effects of war. The war with the US was fuel for the North Korean government. They continue to teach their people that we are an evil.

  4. I have learned that North Korea is very corrupt and isolated. They are mis informed which can cause many problems. This helps me understand how they get control of the people and how bad dictatorship is. This is a concern to the global community because they are telling them that the outside world is bad. This false information could lead to wars.

  5. Everything in North Korea is based on praising the leaders and being unified. Also, hating the US is a large part of North Korean culture. This helps to better understand totalitarianism and dictatorship because it displayed how controlling these two governments are. They censor everything in the country including radio, television, and music. Also, I found it interesting that everyone in the country seems to have such deep respect and admiration for the leaders. This is a concern for the global community because of the countries great hatred for other countries and the fear of attack. Also, it could be dangerous for all other countries because the Korean People's Army is so strong because of the deep unification of the country, and could turn on any other country at any time. Finally, filial piety is displayed in North Korea when children bow to elders when they enter the home, which connects to the filial piety that we studied in Japan and China previously.

  6. I have learned that much of North Korean society has Confucianism worked into it. Children are supposed to respect their elders and their leaders. People also participate in the Mass Games so they can practice teamwork. Furthermore, the Mass Games reinforces the idea that the dictators are superior because the people participating in the games want to be the best so they can perform in front of the General. I have also learned that with the strict dictatorship there are only certain things that are allowed to be watched on television or listened to on the radio. In addition, North Korea teaches everyone in their country that all the problems that they have are because of the U.S. This can become a problem to everyone because the children as they get older might want to retaliate and they might become terrorists. They might try to get revenge on the U.S. and it's citizens.

  7. Watching this video, much information has been learned about North Korea such as how they have strong animosity towards the US and how they feel everything is their fault and that they will come up in power over time. It is also interesting how they respect and honor their leader so much and how practically everything revolves around their leader, yet they dont seem to mind it. This allows a better view of totalitarianism and dictatorship because North Korea is a pretty decent example of how they and other countries can live under this kind of rule. This is a concern to the global community because maybe they would like to stop this kind of rule and living and try and connect with the North Koreans, yet due to the type of government it is possible that global connections are unknown of or restricted. It is a concern when the global community, is trying to flatten the world but it is a challenge with the type of government North Korea has.

  8. Throughout the video, learned that the country revolves around the two leaders and that the leaders build support through extreme censorship. In korea there is only one channel on the tv and one can not entire turn of the radio. they have to pledge their loyalty every day. Every aspect of a Korean citizen's life revolves around pleasing their elders, and especially the General. I think this is a concern to the global community because the citizens will do anything their leaders ask and the General has such control over his people that if he asked them to do something that would harm another country, they would be easily convinced to do so.

  9. This helps me better understand totalitarianism and dictatorship because it shows how the people are so willing to follow the leader, This is a concern to the global community because the leader can make the people do anything because the views that he wants them to have are a part of how they live their lives.

  10. I learned many knew things about Korea through watching this video. I learned about the Mass Games, something I have never previously heard of. It is amazing how the Korean people practice so hard and put the whole thing together. I learned that the Koreans hate America and Americans, due to the destruction of their country. I do not think they should have so much animosity towards us. Breaking off of that point, another reason why they probably hate us so much is because of their dictator. Only bad things are said about the US. If you only hear bad about something everyday, for your whole life, you are going to think it is bad. They praise their leaders and hear things from their dictator every day through schooling, television, and the radio. This helps me to better understand totalitarianism and dictatorship because it showed me what Koreans do for their leaders and how greatly they honor them. Finally, this is a concern to the global community because they may see how Korea is running their government, think it is working well, and do the same thing. Also, if the Koreans hate a country (US) they will do everything in their power to eventually get revenge on them and that is scary. Altogether this video has helped me learn more about Korea and their government.

  11. I really enjoyed this video. I've always wanted to learn about N. Korea. Before watching the movie, all I know was that N. Korea was a very secluded country, and had a very deep hated for the United States. I found the mass games very neat, it's amazing how young the girls start participating in the gymnastics and dancing. I could never imagine having to go to a forced sports practice for 6 hours after school! I also found it crazy how much the people literally worship their government officials. The houses only have 1 radio station, government issued and one television station.. also government issued. If that were to happen here, people would be outraged, but the N. Korean people seem happy. After all, that way of like is all they know. I knew from the past weeks in studying the other countries in Asia that children were to respect there elders. I found it interesting to witness them acting out that philosophy in the movie: for example, how the girl bowed to her parents when she came home from school. I learned that the government is sort of brainwashing the people. The people are forced to worship the general and the leader. The two official's pictures are in houses, schools, transportation... everywhere! North Korea has such a strong hatred for the United States, this is a concern because they could try to start a war with us at any time.

  12. North Korea focuses on dance and art to really honor their leaders. They also focus on how the United States are the enemy, giving the government power over the people. Once in the movie, the lights flickered in the house of one family and the mother said, "it's all the American's fault." This gives the government power because they use propaganda to turn their people against the Americans. Also, in school, they teach the children that the US is the enemy.
    The government also censors their citizens by having only one radio station that is allowed to play and that it must be on at all times, even if turned down really low. This shows the dictatorship in North Korea. Also, there is famine in North Korea, this helps the government because the people believe that it can help them, however it can also hurt them because the people can realize that the government is not doing anything to fix the problem.
    This is a concern because they are being turned against the US and have isolated themselves from other countries.

  13. This video helped me to understand what goes on in North Korea. It also showed me how angry they are at the outside world. The United States is hated all throughout North Korea. I think part of the problem is that the government basically brainwashes its citizens with propaganda radio and television. Everything is government run and no one is allowed to not hate the United States. I did not know that totalitarianism was so strict and powerful. They control the entire country and everyone is a subject, not a citizen. The global community needs to be worried about North Korea because they might use their hatred in a war with the world. It was said that most of their population joins the army so they might try to have a war with outside countries.

  14. North Korea is a communist country controlled by a dictator, Kim Jong Un. The dictator gives very little freedom to the residents and censorship is very high. There is only one TV station that shows propaganda against the US. Also, the radio in the kitchen cannot be turned off so he is controlling them by making them listen. This helps to show the control of the country that one man has and the totalitarianism of North Korea. This concerns the global community because of the hatred North Korea has against the United States. At any point they could decide to launch an attack on the United States because the country is controlled by one man. Overall, life looks terrible in North Korea.

  15. In this video it is seen that the North Koreans whole life is revolved around their General. They praise him and have a substantial amount of respect for him in the way that they have a day off from work and school on the General's birthday. Also, they contain pictures of their leaders and only their leaders in their homes. The children even have a pin with the General's picture on it that they wear on their school uniform. This is how a country mainly reacts to dictatorship. They want someone they can put all of their hopes into, so they know that they will be protected if something were to happen to them.

  16. In this video, I learned that the government controls much of the lives of Korean people, through censorship and expectations regarding the war and the arts. For instance, children are expected to make the best of their abilities, through dancing for the general, studying, or joining the army to fight for Korea. Also, there is only one television channel, which is propaganda, and everyone is required to listen to the radio, and say a pledge to the general in school.
    The children are raised to hate the United States, but in doing so they also hate our methods of government, promoting communism. They believe that they are under the care, rather than the restriction, of the government. If any problem arises, the United States is immediately blamed.

  17. I've learned that North Koreans have an immense devotion to their leader. They are constantly promoting and celebrating them. They have the mass games where hundreds of people participate in an event to honor their leaders. I've also learnt that they are taught from a young age to hate America. Many children believe that America is a terrible influence on their country and that anything bad that happens in their country is due to Americans. The government leaders have so much power over the people. They only allow Koreans to know what they want them to know, to listen and to see what they want see. The amount of censorship is astonishing and as a result Koreans put their leader above all others. This could be a concern to the global community because Koreans' knowledge of events around the world or even in their own country is limited. They are only aware of their government's view of the impact of American imperialism on their country and that fuels their hatred towards America.

  18. With this video, I learned that North Korea as a country based on unity and dedication towards a head figure. From an early age, children are educated to instill the socialist ideas. In school, through cartoons and propaganda, they are told to hate Americans. This shows up later in life when North Koreans blame America on things like power outages. In addition, many train for the Mass Games. Numerous individuals spend hours upon hours preparing dance routines: routines that are presented to the General and promotes his ideals. This comes to show that North Korea’s dictator holds strong influence on his people. At first, strict laws are imposed (only pictures of the leaders in the household/schools). In time, however, devotion to the head figure becomes embedded into the culture. The North Korean population will fulfill any of the General’s wishes, which poses a threat to the global community. This could be in the form of a military attack, and with their extreme hatred towards America, this could be extremely dangerous. Aside from military action, the General dictates that North Korea is an isolationist society. This affects trade for other countries, and even keeps people from purchasing food.

  19. The biggest thing presented in this video is respect to the leaders, primarily the General. The Korean people are required to have pictures of them up in their homes and wear pins. Flowers were also named after him, and Korean children train for the mass games to honor the day of his birth, as well has the day the war ended. This event is truly amazing to watch, and im sure is even more incredible in person! Children begin training from a young age, which im sure takes an extreme amount of patience, strength, and focus. Malnutrition really struck me as well, because it is shocking that the government would let that happen to their people. i would think that would eventually lead to a rebellion against the government. Finally, filial piety is presented in this video. This is respect for your elders, which Korean children present a lot of. They bow to them whenever they come home, never raise their voice, and always obey. Relationships between children and parents is peaceful and strong. A shocking thing presented in the video is opposite of filial piety. The parents in the home sleep on the floor, which children sleep in their own rooms and beds. This, to me, seems to go against the high amount of respect children typically present to their parents.


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